Doctors in Nosara, Costa Rica

Anyone who is traveling here as a tourist or who is interested in moving here full time will be glad to know that Nosara has two full time doctors offices with three well qualified Doctors. Additionally, there is a Cruz Roja clinic in town, the Nicoya Hospital is about 45 minutes away, and the new CIMA Hospital that just opened in Liberia is 2 hours away. Additonally, for any serious emergencies, there is also a world class private hospital with the same name, CIMA, located in the capital city of San Jose. For a life threatening emergecy, medi-vac is available.

Below is contact information on the local doctors.

Paradise Medical Services
2682-1212 / 2682-0942
Dr. Alejandro Gutierrez Breedy
Dr. Mauricio Jimenez Rojas
Dra. Kattia Porras Chacon
8823-7594 / 2682-0404
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